Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Evil Nonsense

I remember as a child
Playing on the lawn
How once I caught a wild
Bird to be my pawn
On the painted chessboard
With seven missing pieces
Allegedly pilfered by Lord
Fortesque's young nieces.
One of them tapped the bird
With one intrepid toe
Shrank back without a word
Brought the other girl to show
The gruesome thing to
Half dead, it couldn't sing to
Them or else wise entertain 'em
Until a game of badminton

Became their jeu du jour


  1. Well played.
    Childhood: A time to discover our own monstrosity.
    Adulthood: A time to deny it.

  2. Oh my.

    The sprightly nature of the verse in juxtaposition to the cruelty therein. Well played, my dear. Well played.
